Thursday, September 29, 2011

Assignments and Announcements for Thursday, 9/29


Christ Light - Ws. 6a/6b from this week
Catechism - We studied the Sabbath Day today; Ws. 10
Memory Work -Hymn 304 st. 1-3
Math - Factors and prime numbers; Lesson 19 #1-30 EVENS
English - class
Literature - class
Music/Art - No Assignment
Science - We finished our lesson on Erosion today; Ws. 3-3
World History - We talked about the kingdoms of Nubia and Kush; Pg. 108, #1-12 (6-12: Complete Sentences) and Wb. 29 due MONDAY
Current Events - Newspaper sections with once sentence description of what can be found in each
Spelling - List 4 worksheets are due tomorrow; List 4 Test will be on Friday
Handwriting - Ws. "e" - lowercase and cursive


1. Notes coming home today: TST (paper copy or email), pink slips, mission envelopes, Brewer Tailgating note, Basketball Info, grade report, October Calendar, Book Fair Info, pictures

2. Items to return tomorrow: pink slip, mission envelopes, Brewer Tailgating note, basketball commitment form, bottom portion of grade report

3. You will probably notice that not as many graded papers came home this week. While the papers are all graded from the past week, my pile of putting them in the computer is very apologies! The amount in your student's folder shall be twice as high next week :-)

WoD: helmet

Anyone going to the Brewer pep rally? Enjoy! Have a good evening, everyone.

Miss Lau's email: