Monday, September 26, 2011

Assignments and Annoucements for Monday, 9/26

Welcome to a new week, everyone!


Christ Light - It's a Boy! Our lesson today showed us that God has plan for us, and like Abraham, sometimes we have to wait a long time for that plan to be clear to us; Ws. 6a
Catechism - Ws. 8 from Thursday - "With Your Family" section: Parents - you are to fill this out with your child!
Memory Work - #193, 200, 201 in blue Catechism books WITH REFERENCES!
Math - Number lines: Fractions and Mixed Numbers; Lesson 17 #1-30
English - We added the noun check to our skills today; Ws. 10
Literature - We discussed finding an author's viewpoint; No Assignment
Music/Art - No Assignment
Science - No Science class today...we took practice tests.
World History - Introduced our next lesson Egyptian culture; Read L. 3, notes, and Wb. 27
Spelling - List 4 Pretest - list is on Spelling City website. Worksheets are due on Friday
Handwriting - Ws. "w" is due Tuesday


1. Testing begins tomorrow. Are you able to help with the testing? No correcting involved! We test from 9:45 - 10:45 OR 1:15 - 2:15 each day for the next two weeks. If you are able to help, please let me know.

2. Students are reminded to try to get a good night's rest, eat a good breakfast, and drink lots of OJ these next two weeks. It is difficult to find time for make-up testing.

WoD: oatmeal

Have a great evening!