Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Thank you to all the 6th graders for using their voices to praise their Savior this evening.


Christ Light - God uses our parents to discipline us out of LOVE; Ws. 1b
Catechism - Ws. 43 from Tuesday
Math - Volume of a rectangular prism; Lesson 82 #1-30
World History - Read Lesson 5 on The Reformation, notes, and Wb. 75
Science - We read Lesson 1 on fronts and air masses; Ws. 12-1
Literature - Finish discussion questions on J & GP chapters 3-5
English - Vocabulary word and Ws. 47 (reviewed sentence patterns and plural verbs)
Spelling - List 20 worksheets due Friday
Handwriting - Ws. "A"

7/8 Geography - Lesson 1 presents tomorrow!

WoD: worship


1. Science Projects are due tomorrow! If your student needs to finish items up tonight and puts homework off, that is acceptable. We will work together to finish it in the morning.

2. Forensics pieces should be typed up and on black paper by Friday. This due date has already been pushed back once. Your student can talk to me if this is still a problem.

God's Blessings!