Wednesday, February 1, 2012

On this day, February 1, in 1861, Texas becomes the seventh state to secede from the Union when a state convention votes 166 to 8 in favor of the measure. -


Christ Light - We have the privilege to share God's word with the next generation; Ws. 10b
Catechism - Ws. 35 from Tuesday
Memory Work - Last paragraph of the 2nd Article
Math - Investigation 7 on coordinate planes #1-12
World History - Read Lesson 2 on Africa's early rise to power; Notes and Wb. 66
Science - Open Book test on Chapter 10 tomorrow. Students received key words to review tonight
English - Pattern 3 sentences and punctuating sentences; Ws. 40
Literature - Work on end of unit project
Spelling - List 17 worksheets due on Friday
Handwriting - Ws. "x & y" lowercase and cursive

7/8 Geography - Chapter 12 ws. review

WoD: canvassing (I need 3 more parent volunteers or will we not be able to go!)

Blessings on your evening!