Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Check out this link for the story behind Valentine's Day - CLICK HERE. Extra credit to the students that write a brief summary of the story (to be applied to history grade).

God's love and blessings to you and your family on this day and always!


Christ Light - Ws. 12a from Monday
Catechism - Jesus wants us to be his own; Ws. 39
Math - Comparing fractions by converting them to decimals
World History - Chapter 10 Study Guide
Science - We began our study of clouds; no assignment
Literature - Unit projects performed today and tomorrow
English - Rough draft of story WITH dialogue; look for this to come home tomorrow to be edited!
Spelling - List 19 worksheets
Handwriting - Worksheet on numbers

7/8 Geography - Chapter 13 Vocabulary Review

WoD: Valentine's Day