Friday, October 21, 2011

Assignments and Announcements

Catechism - Ws. 16 (from Thursday)
Math - We reviewed angles today; Lesson 28 #2-30 EVENS
World History - Page 142 #1-11 (6-11 in complete sentences), Wb. pages for this chapter should be complete
Science - We've been studying the different regions and their landforms. Students got to pick a specific region today that they wanted to do further study on. Students should look for pictures and items to put on their piece of tag board that they will be given on Monday. This will help other students to learn more about that area.
English - We shared our 3 paragraph expository essay in class today; No Assignment
Literature - Read NTS Chapter 7 and complete character chart for Monday
Handwriting - Ws. "h"

WoD: globe


1. Thank you to all the parents who were able to come to the Basketball Meeting last evening. If you were unable to attend, Mr. Schultz and I will put together a packet of information for you and send them home next Tuesday.

2. Anyone who can help serve the Harvest dinner should meet by the kitchen about 15 minutes before the 1st or 2nd sitting begins. Thank You!

Have a great weekend, everyone!