Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Assignments and Announcements

Christ Light - We learned about Joseph in Egypt and how God tested him; Ws. 9b
Catechism- Ws. 15 (remember: no "With Your Family" on this one)
Memory Work - 5th Commandment in blue Catechism book
Math - Lesson 27 #1-30, EF
No Science or History today because of the Intergenerational Fair
English - Parents are to revise the rough drafts and sign them tonight - no other work needs to be completed
Literature - Word searches for Section 2 plus 3 sentences are due tomorrow; Maps are due on Friday
Spelling - List 7 worksheets due on Friday
Handwriting - Ws. "h" (lowercase and cursive)

WoD: muffins


1. The Harvest Dinner needs more help with your 6th grader able? Dinner is at 11:45 or 1 pm. Please let me know ASAP if your student is able!

2. We sing at the 10:30 service this Sunday. Students should be in our room to warm up no later than 10:10.

3. Ask your student what they saw at the Intergenerational Fair today!

4. Do you have badminton equipment we could borrow for a few weeks? If so, label it somehow and send it with your child to school. We only need the rackets and birdies.

Have a good evening!