Thursday, March 8, 2012

Check out the announcements below and the video posted yesterday!


Christ Light - Ws. 2b from Wednesday
Catechism - Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life; Ws. 46
Memory Work - Hymn 456 st. 1-3
Math - Area of a circle (quiz your student...ask them what the formula is!); Lesson 86 #1-3o, EF
Science - Weather Forecasting project part C
English - Brainstorm (Characters, plot, setting, etc.) for narrative on Google docs...don't forget to share with
Spelling - List 21 worksheets and test tomorrow!
Handwriting - Ws. "D"
*History test and Lit quiz taken assignments

7/8 Geography - Lesson 5 worksheet and quiz tomorrow

WoD: hurricanes


1. Bring in the CHOCOLATE! Support our high school, SLHS, by donating to our "Everything Chocolate" basket to help raise money for the tuition assistance fund at SLHS. Due date is this Friday.

2. Brewer game slips (blue or white) are due by TOMORROW!

3. Field Trip notes to Golden Rondelle (green note) are due ASAP!

4. Do you have a Great America Six Flags reading log yet? Please read some more and turn it in! We need one more slip so that this teacher can get a free ticket. We have until Friday!

5. A purple Lenten supper note was sent home today. PLEASE consider helping to donate and to set-up/serve/clean-up on March 28th. This is a great way to serve our congregation and visitors that attend. Please email me or Mrs. Proeber if you are able to donate or serve. THANK YOU!

6. Items that came home and to return: pink slips, mission envelopes, LAST progress report for the 3rd quarter.

7. I will be gone on Monday and Tuesday next week because of my new nephew/godson's baptism on Sunday in Minnesota. The students will be with a very capable substitute. Please feel free to text or email me if questions/issues arise while I am out of town.

Come see a good portion of our class in tonight's Drama Club productions at 6 pm in the gym!

God's Blessings on your evening!