Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Christ Light - Ws. 2b from Monday
Catechism - Good works flow from love and faith we have in Jesus; Ws. 45
Math - Using cross multiplication to solve proportions; Lesson 85 #1-30, EF
World History - Fill out Chapter 11 study guide
Science - Weather Forecasting project parts A & B...look to the ----->
Literature - Group project on advertising
Spelling - List 21 worksheets due Friday
Handwriting - Ws. "D"

7/8 Geography - Lesson 4 presents tomorrow!

WoD: lamp explosion (true story!)


1. Bring in the CHOCOLATE! Support our high school, SLHS, by donating to our "Everything Chocolate" basket to help raise money for the tuition assistance fund at SLHS. Due date is this Friday.

2. Brewer game slips (blue or white) are due by Friday!

3. Field Trip notes to Golden Rondelle (green note) are due ASAP!

4. Do you have a Great America Six Flags reading log yet? Please read some more and turn it in! We need one more slip so that this teacher can get a free ticket. We have until Friday!

God's Blessings!