Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Assignments and Announcements

Christ Light - Moses and the Israelites cross the Red Sea and God delivers us from OUR enemies; Ws. 2b
Catechism - Ws. 25 from Tuesday
Memory Work - Hymn 55 st. 1 & 2
Math - Test 8 Corrections
World History - No Assignment...we took the chapter test on Ancient Greece today
Science - Read Pgs. 198-202 and take notes on Sedimentary Rocks
English - We revised and edited today; Final Drafts are due on Friday (students are allowed to type these)
Literature - We began a short story entitled, "Dragon, Dragon". Students should go through the 1st part that was read today and pick out any unknown words.
Spelling - List 11 worksheets and test on Friday...practice on Spelling City!
Handwriting - Ws. "p" - cursive and lowercase

7/8 Geography - We watched a video on the geography of the countries around the Andes Mountains. Students received their Map Test study guide for South America. This should be filled out by Friday, December 2nd. Map Test is set for Friday, December 16.

WoD: shepherd


1. Party tomorrow...parents invited! We eat around noon and watch the movie in the afternoon. We will eat lunch on the floor...per tradition...if anyone has any blankets that we could use, please bring them in for the afternoon.