Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Assignments and Announcements

Christ Light - Ws. 1a
Catechism - We talked about the 8th commands and how God forbids us to talk bad about each other including spreading rumors; Ws. 24
Math - We gave our brains a break from the hard work yesterday and reviewed the lesson and learned how to rename fractions (slightly less complicated :-); Lesson 42 #1-30
World History - We talked about Alexander the Great (not AZ) and his accomplishments; Wb. 48 on Chapter 6 vocabulary
Science - We began our Lesson on rocks; finish reading Lesson 1 and Ws. 6-1
English - Test Today! No Assignment
Literature - We finished up our book today. I gave most of the students (those with the old, battered books) their book to keep. "Number the Stars" is one of my favorite books. Please ask your student to lend you THEIR new book! Quiz due tomorrow
Handwriting - Ws. "j" - lowercase and cursive

7/8 Geography - Chapter 8 Vocabulary Review

WoD: stuffing


1. Mrs. Wierschke will be in our classroom tomorrow afternoon so that I may leave early to get most of the way home before dark. Thank You!

2. We will decorate the classroom after Thanksgiving break for Christmas. All students are encouraged to bring an ornament to decorate our classroom tree. They will get these back!

3. We will pick names for the Christmas exchange on Wednesday so that students can get up at 5 am to shop for that special gift.

Blessings on your evening!