Thursday, January 23, 2014

Good Afternoon!

1 - Folders came home today. Please send the pink slip and the mission envelope back tomorrow.

2 - The TST is filled with a TON of special notes today. Please be sure to check it out in your email inbox or on the Trinity Website.

3 - We sing at the 8 am service on February 2. Students should be in our classroom by 7:40 am to warm up our voices to praise our Lord!

4 - Please pray for Miss Ehlke as she deliberates here Call here and to Green Bay.

5 - Did your child bring home a blue note about serving? We sure could use their help this Sunday at our potluck. Please send that bottom portion back tomorrow - thank you!


Christ Light - Ws. 8b
Catechism - Test on Tuesday!
Memory Work - "I Praise the God of Grace"
English - Ws. 37/35
Lit - Read "Coyote Stole Fire" and complete Pg. 448 #1-8 in complete sentences
Science - TEST tomorrow! Check out the link below this post for review games!
History (due Monday) - Read Lesson 2 on the Constitutional Convention; Take notes/write summary; Wb. 70
Math - Lesson 64, all
Spelling - TEST tomorrow!
Handwriting - "H" and "M" - capital and cursive

WoD: graph

God's Blessings,

Miss Lau

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