Thursday, January 24, 2013

It is Thursday...we're almost there!

We sing on Sunday in the late service - at the end - wear church clothes...please!

A field trip note came home today on a pink sheet of paper. Please note that we need to know if you would like to chaperon by next Friday, January 31. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Speaking of field trips, I may need to change the Schlitz Audubon trip to a different date. I was summoned for Jury Duty in Milwaukee on February 13-14. I am going to try to change that date. Please stay tuned!

There are extra spirit wear items for sale. See me if interested!

Progress Reports will come home next week. With the beginning of the new quarter, I like to wait a few weeks to send those home.

Pink slips and mission envelopes can be filled out returned tomorrow.

Blue and Gold day off your new spirit wear!


Christ Light - Ws. 9b from Wednesday
Catechism - Ws. 36 on the 7th Commandment
Memory Work - Hymn 85 st. 1
Lit - Quiz on Chapters 9-12 tomorrow
English - Ws. 32/30
Math - Lesson 68, all
Science - The Biome projects are DONE! Look for them in the hallway on Sunday morning!
History - No assignment
Spelling - Test tomorrow!

WoD: Blue and Gold!

God's Blessings,

Miss Lau

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