Wednesday, January 25, 2012

On January 25, 1905, at the Premier Mine in Pretoria, South Africa, a 3,106-carat diamond is discovered during a routine inspection by the mine's superintendent. Weighing 1.33 pounds, and christened the "Cullinan," it was the largest diamond ever found. -


Christ Light - God disciplines us out love and concern for us; Ws. 9b
Catechism - Ws. 33 from Tuesday
Memory Work - 2nd Article on Pg. 151 - 1st paragraph ONLY
Math - Reducing fractions by using prime factorization; Lesson 67 #1-30
World History - Test Tomorrow! Chapter 9!
Science - We conducted an experiment today to find out what side of a box heated up/cooled down faster...dark or light...results and application tomorrow!
English - Rough Draft on Descriptive paragraph
Literature - We read "The Image" today about a man and a forest fire and how he became like Moses; Pg. 133 #1-7 on a separate sheet of paper!
Spelling - List 16 worksheets due Friday
Handwriting - Ws. "n & m" lowercase and cursive

7/8 Geography - Take notes on Lesson 2, Chapter 12 on WW1 and WW2...activity tomorrow!

WoD: Which one is spelled correctly: purcusion or pircussian or percussion
(idea from JG!)

God's Blessings on your day!