Thursday, December 8, 2011

Assignments and Announcements

Christ Light - Ws. 3b from Wednesday
Catechism - We started working through our big review today of Lessons 1-27; No Assignment
Memory Work - "Joyful, Joyful Medley"
Math - Test Corrections
World History - We talked about the government of Rome and Hannibal's war elephants; Read Lesson 3, notes, and Wb. 52
Science - Chapter 6 Test tomorrow!
English - We reviewed Direct Objects and helping verb/main verbs today; Ws. 31 and Vocabulary Word (stagnant)
Literature - Write a paragraph (5-6 sentences) on what a good friend is OR a description of the camp in "Michael Egerton"
Spelling - List 12 worksheets and TEST tomorrow!
Handwriting - Ws. "a" lowercase and cursive

7/8 Geography - Test tomorrow!

WoD: Gatorade (extra sticker if you write Miss Lau's favorite flavor)


1. Items coming home: Pink slips, No Grade Reports (only given to those who are currently ineligible), Mission Envelopes, note from Teacher Recognition Committee, graded papers, TST (paper, email, or to the right --->)

2. Items to return to school: Pink slips, filled Mission Envelopes